Connecticut Breast Imaging’s Busy Spring: A Season of Advancements and Community Engagement

As the chilly winter months gave way to the vibrant blossoms of spring, Connecticut Breast Imaging embarked on a whirlwind of activities, driven by their commitment to providing exceptional breast healthcare and raising awareness about breast cancer and breast cancer risks. With a focus on innovation, patient care, and community engagement, Connecticut Breast Imaging embraced […]
What’s the Difference Between 2D and 3D Mammograms?

Many people are familiar with mammograms as they are an extremely effective method of checking for breast cancer. Mammograms are a powerful invention and to a great extent, a lifesaver. By detecting breast cancer early, many of the consequences of late diagnosis can be averted. What is a Mammogram? Let’s start by understanding what a […]
How Do You Choose a Breast Imaging Center?

How Do I Pick My Radiologist? A big question for patients is how do I pick a breast facility and a specialty-trained radiologist to interpret my exam? What should I look for? According to Connecticut Breast Imaging Breast Specialist, Dr. Jaime Szarmach, technology is important. “You can only see what your equipment will let you […]